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What to Do in a Leaky Situation

Leaks and plumbers–name a more iconic duo, we’ll wait. In all seriousness, you’ve come to the right place if you’re encountering a leak. If you were looking for a recipe to cook for dinner tonight, then we’d recommend a different site, one preferably with a delicious recipe. But for all things leaks, this is the place to be. For instance, understanding how hard water affects your home could explain why leaks are happening in the first place.

Unfortunately, most of the solutions to leaky pipes and dribbling hoses should really only be performed by professional plumbers. But that’s why we’re the ones talking about the issue. You can call our team at any point for plumbers in St. Petersburg, FL, and we’ll get the job done quickly.

But if you need a bit more direction, or some help on what to do in the meantime, then we can walk you through the situation.

First: Call for Help

Well, what are you waiting for? Calling for help should be the first and most important thing you do when you encounter a plumbing leak!

Yes, even for those tiny leaks or pinhole sized leaks, you’ll still need a licensed master plumber to patch them or replace the pipes. We can’t instantly show up at your home to grant you wishes like a genie, so the earlier you call us, the more time you’ll save as we plan and travel accordingly.

Second: Evaluate the Damage

Once you’ve called for a plumber, it’s time to take a walk around your home and evaluate the damage. How big was the leak? Did something cause it or has it been there for a while? Do the pipes look a certain color (a potential result of corrosion) or perhaps they’re made of a particular material that’s leaking?

These are great questions and they can point us in the right direction when we arrive on the scene.

Third: Clean Things Up

Next, grab a towel or a bucket (or both) and start cleaning up the mess. Remember, even if it’s just clear water dripping from your pipes, it can cause mold if it’s left to fester in the darkness for too long. Not to mention the fact that carpets, furniture, electronics, and food can all be destroyed by leaking water.

It’s a good idea to evaluate where the water is leaking to and to start cleaning it as quickly as possible. If you’re unsure about next steps, our guide on how to know you need leak detection even when you can’t see the leaks can be a valuable resource.

Fourth: Shut Your Water Off

If this is a particularly bad leak, you might want to shut your home’s access to water off. This will stop your home from dealing with serious problem with large or gushing leaks that can otherwise be a real headache to clean up.

Fifth: Invest in Maintenance

For the future, you won’t really know when the next leak occurs in your home. These things happen sometimes, and they usually happen when we least expect them. That’s why maintenance is so valuable.

Maintenance gives you a snapshot into the potential future of your plumbing system, from problems to upgrades that might make a big difference. Instead of guessing as to when the next pipe leak occurs, why not get your whole system inspected with maintenance? If you’re dealing with frequent plumbing issues, it might also be worth considering when to finally replace old plumbing fixtures to avoid recurring leaks.

It’s time to hire the team with the bubbles on the trucks. Contact The Clean Plumbers for a fix that leaves your home remarkably clean.

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